Friday 24 February 2012

About this blog

I originally created this page a few months ago during the darkest point of CCP's malaise. At the time I was so disillusioned with CCP that I had lost my desire to log in, and had let most of my accounts lapse. I realised however, after some long chats with some EVE friends, that my desire to talk about eve had never waned. I eventually decided that creating a blog about a game I didn't play would be a poor idea, and let the page sit idle for the time being.

Flash forward to today: CCP seems to have turned the corner, EVE once again feels like a sandbox I want to be a part of. I've been back from my hiatus for about a month (although due to RL my playtime is a fairly narrow window in the evenings) and I'm loving the metagame and community as much as I ever did. Wars and propaganda filling the north and south, a hotly contested CSM election, and balance changes creating new opportunities to theorycraft. This is the eve I fell in love with.

So I have decided to resurrect the concept of this blog, and try dipping my toe into the extremely lively world of EVE blogging. I'm going to try to keep this page updated fairly often, and I expect the output will be a mix of commentary on eve politics, eve development and balance, and stories of experiences my friends and I have ingame. I also expect that my posting activity will pick up each year around the Alliance Tournament (although I'm going to try to come up with things to talk about the rest of the time as well). My motivation for starting to post at this moment in time is that I am nearing completion of a large scale balance suggestion that has been in the works for several weeks. I expect that I will wait until after that large post is complete before advertising this address widely.

Hopefully some of the people reading this blog will find it interesting, and I welcome feedback.

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